Dec 22, 2021

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Posted On Dec 22, 2021

Today I implemented another shape drawing feature, Rectangle Tool (or RectTool)! Now we can draw boxes everywhere.

The way RectTool works is pretty much like LineTool. A new RectShape will be created when the tool starts. When the user drags their mouse, the end point of the RectShape will be recorded.

Let’s call the four corners of the rectangle as A, B, C, and D. There are 4 cases that could happen when the user draw:

 A                         B
 (sx, sy)------------------+
 |                         |  (Draw from A -> D)
 |                         |
 +------------------(ex, ey)
 C                         D
 A                         B
 (ex, ey)------------------+
 |                         |  (Draw from D -> A)
 |                         |
 +------------------(sx, sy)
 C                         D
 A                         B
 +------------------(sx, sy)
 |                         |  (Draw from B -> C)
 |                         |
 (ex, ey)------------------+
 C                         D
 A                         B
 +------------------(ex, ey)
 |                         |  (Draw from C -> B)
 |                         |
 (sx, sy)------------------+
 C                         D

Whatever case it is, to draw a rectangle on the main grid, we need to draw from left to right, top to bottom, so, here’s how I find the top-left and bottom-right points for drawing:

from_x = Min(sx, ex)
from_y = Min(sy, ey)
to_x = Max(sx, ex)
to_y = Max(sy, ey)

Now, what needs to be done is draw the four lines: AB, CD, AC, and BD.