03.25.2022 - CSS/List counter-reset and the start attribute

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Posted On 03.25.2022

In CSS, we can create a custom list numbering with counter-reset, counter-increment and counter() functions.

For example:

ol {
    counter-reset: olcounter;
    li {
        counter-increment: olcounter;
        &::before {
            content: counter(olcounter) ". ";

This approach works fine for most of the continuous list, for example:

    <li>first item</li>
    <li>second item</li>
    <li>third item</li>

But sometimes, you will have a list with a much more complex structure, the HTML structure would not be continuous. For example, when using a markdown generator on the following content:

This is a list:
1. First item
   Another line here
2. Second item
   Some more lines
3. Third item

The generated HTML structure would be broken up into multiple <ol> tags. They are technically multiple lists, but each of them has the start attribute to specify the start value of the list. So they would look like a continuous list.

<ol start="1">
        <p>First item</p>
        <p>Another line here</p>
<ol start="2">
        <p>Second item</p>
        <p>Some more lines</p>
<ol start="3">
        <p>Third item</p>

If we are using the CSS style defined from the beginning of the post, the rendered list would look wrong, all the list items will start with 1 instead of incrementing:

1. First item
   Another line here
1. Second item
   Some more lines
1. Third item

The reason for this behavior is, we are resetting the counter at the beginning of each <ol> element.

ol {
    counter-reset: olcounter;

To fix the problem, we should ignore the counter reset if the start attribute is presented, it can be done with the following CSS selector:

ol {
    counter-reset: olcounter;
    &[start] {
        counter-reset: none;

Please note that this approach does not really respect the value of the start attribute. If you want to make counter-reset respect the value of the start attribute, a possible approach is to use JavaScript to inline the style for each <ol> element, like this:

const olWithStarts = document.querySelectorAll("ol[start]");
olWithStarts.forEach(ol => {
    const start = ol.getAttribute('start');
    ol.style = 'counter-reset: olcounter ' + start;