04.20.2022 - TypeScript/Building an Event System using the browser's CustomEvent

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Posted On 04.20.2022

An event system is a mechanism for globally receiving and broadcasting messages, which can be used in a Web Application to allow different components that do not have any parent-child relation to communicating with each other.

Technical Background

There’s a native Event support in the browser. It works on the element level. We will stick with the top-level element, the document.

To listen to an event, use document.addEventListener(<event-name>, <callback>), where callback is a function that takes an Event object as its only parameter.

To create an event with some additional data, use CustomEvent. Any data passed into the constructor will be available via the detail object.

const event = new CustomEvent("event-name", {  
    a: 10,  
    b: 'Hello'  

To dispatch the event, do it in document level document.dispatchEvent(evt).

With this approach, we could not clean up the event listeners after the class instance is destroyed because there’s no way we can detect whenever the class is being destroyed. We can still provide a way to let users deallocate it themself.

So, instead of using document, we can create a new dummy target. Using this, we don’t have to worry about cleaning up things after the class is destroyed because the target itself will be destroyed.

const target = new EventTarget();  

Using browser’s Event API, we can have the benefit of using e.preventDefault() (to cancel an event, if that event has cancellable set to true), e.stopPropagation().

The downside probably is the dependency on the DOM API, which make this only work with the browsers, but that’s the intention.

API Design

Init the Event System:

const comm = new EventSystem();  

If there are different EventSystem‘s instances, each of them should be able to track their events with no overlap, even if the event names are the same.

Dispatch an Event:

comm.emit("event-name", {  
    customData: 'Hello'  

Handling an Event:

comm.on("event-name", (event) => {  

Optional but nice to have, it should support once(), off() methods.

Implementation Notes

This would be a class where each event system instance can be created with a dummy DOM element to handle the creation and dispatch of an event. This can also help avoid overlapping events between multiple instances of the class.

class EventSystem {  
    constructor() {  
        this.target = new EventTarget();  

Dispatching an event should take the event system instance into its account, and the new event is based on CustomEvent:

class EventSystem {  
    emit(name: string, detail: any) {  
        const e = new CustomEvent(name, { 
            cancellable: true 

Then, event handling is just simple, but we’re messing with document. It’s necessary to keep track of the event listeners and remove them upon the instance destroyed.

class EventSystem {  
    on(name: string, fn: EventHandler) {  
        this.target.addEventListener(name, fn);  

If you are interested, here’s the full implementation of an Event System that I’m using for a web-based debugger. It is used to communicate/share data between different components on a page.

export type UIEventHandlerFn = (event: Event) => void;
export type UIEventHandler = {
  name: string,
  action: UIEventHandlerFn
export class UIEventSystem {
  target: EventTarget;
  constructor() {
    this.target = new EventTarget();
  emit(name: string, data?: any) {
    const e = new CustomEvent(name, {
      detail: data,
      cancelable: true
    return this.target.dispatchEvent(e);
  on(name: string, fn: UIEventHandlerFn) {
    return this.target.addEventListener(name, fn, false);
  ons(handlers: UIEventHandler[]) {
    handlers.forEach(({ name, action }) => {
      this.on(name, action);
  once(name: string, fn: UIEventHandlerFn) {
    return this.target.addEventListener(name, fn, { once: true });
  off(name: string, fn: UIEventHandlerFn) {
    return this.target.removeEventListener(name, fn, false);
